Slisp is still in development and will be available in a future release of Spike.

Slisp is a dialect of the Lisp Programming Language that runs directly from within Spike! This specific dialect is a decedent of eLispsis, which is a minimal Lisp dialect build on NodeJS.

Lisp is a functional language. There are no variables. Everything is a function call. To learn a bit more about the basic syntax of Lisp, take a look at the Lisp Wikipedia Page.

Message Format

To properly run Spike Lisp code, run commands with the following format, noting the newlines as well.


Available Operators

Operator Description Example
+ Adds all elements within a list (+ 1 2 3) => 6
- Subtracts all elements in a list, left to right (- 10 4 2) => 4
* Multiplies all elements in a list (* 2 3 4) => 24
/ Divides all elements in a list, left to right (/ 144 12 3) => 4
% Modulo all elements in a list, left to right (% 15 20 3) => 0
^ Returns x1 to the power of x2 … to the power of n (^ 2 2 2 2) => 256

Available Functions

Function Description Example
atom Returns t if the given value is an atom (atom 'hi) => t
quote returns a literal value rather than the evaluated value (quote (atom 'hi)) => (atom 'hi)
car Get first element of list. (car '(1 2 3 4)) => 1
cdr Get list without first element. (cdr '(1 2 3 4)) => (2 3 4)
eq Returns true if the two values are equal (eq 'g 'r) => ()
cons Pushes an element to the front of a list (cons 'a '(b c d e)) => (a b c d e)
cond Creates a conditional statement (cond ('() (print "this is false") ('t (print "this is true")) => This is true
print Print input (print '(1 2 3 4))

Definitions / Declarations

Name Description Example
set Define a variable (set x (cdr '(1 2 3 4)))
setq Define a quoted variable (set x 25)
defun Define a function (define sum (x y) (+ x y))
lamdba Define a lambda (anonymous) function (lambda (x) (cdr x)) '(a b c)